What it's like to go head to head with Bob Trumpy

Published Sept. 8, 2017 on Cincinnati.com


Bob Trumpy is in pregame mode. I’m sitting with the former pro bowl TE on the back patio of the Glendale Lyceum in suburban Cincinnati, awaiting word from videographer Kareem Elgazzar that the cameras are set up inside and ready for our interview to begin. It’s then that the baritone-voiced original Bengal slips into the routine he used before kickoff during his 10 seasons in pro football. He lights up a cigarette.


Opinion: Incessant losing destroying the Cleveland Browns legacy

Published Dec. 29, 2016 on Cincinnati.com


The Cleveland Browns are terrible. They are the worst franchise in the NFL.

As a Browns fan, I hate saying that. I truly do. Hearing it is even worse.

In my mind, I can say it. Like being able to criticize your own sibling.

But to have someone outside of the family making jokes? Pointing out the calamity? Posting memes? It’s intolerable.


Broncos, Bengals and the Big Red Machine

Published Dec. 27, 2015 on Cincinnati.com


The first regular-season victory in Bengals history came at the expense of the Broncos at UC’s Nippert Stadium on Sept. 15, 1968.

But the ties between the Broncos and Bengals didn’t start with that first meeting. They include a stint the two teams had as division rivals, their shared use of the color orange, and even baseball’s Big Red Machine.


Bengals and Saints rarely meet, but share history

Published Nov. 11, 2014 on Cincinnati.com


In a way, the Saints were the Bengals' first opponent, long before either took the field. In the 1960s both New Orleans and Cincinnati competed for the National Football League's 16th franchise.

Today, the Bengals and Saints rarely meet, playing once every four years.

So it's easy to forget their shared history as the final teams born in the NFL's most tumultuous and transformative decade.


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